About Us
Hi, I’m Corey! Back in the early aughts I lived in New York City and worked as a graphic designer/web developer, but my passion was collecting Balenciaga bags. They were very popular and fakes were being sold all over the place, especially online. I bought bags directly from Balenciaga New York and would scout for discontinued colors or styles online.
For years I obsessed over the details that indicated whether an item was authentic or counterfeit. After receiving a counterfeit bag from a big online company that claimed they only sold authentic items, I thought there must have been a mistake. I sent them detailed photos showing the difference between the counterfeit they sold and the same season/style authentic Balenciaga I had in my collection. I naively thought they would take steps to eliminate fakes in their inventory, but in reality, they did not care. They resold that fake bag to another unsuspecting customer for $800! Seeing that happen over and over made me so angry!! I knew people were being scammed with fakes being sold as real!!!
Realizing that my knowledge, experience and attention to detail could help the world of handbag collectors I decided to build a website. I would personally guarantee that every item we sell is an authentic, genuine, original item made by the designer brand. Shoppers will always get the real thing at Real Deal Collection. Our team is committed to providing a reliable source to buy, sell, or trade luxury designer bags, jewelry, luggage, scarves and other accessories. Since 2006 we have been helping collectors acquire and recycle. Visit us downtown in Santa Fe, New Mexico and shop online 24/7.